Wednesday 19 December 2012

Shrine of Serene Light

We wrongly thought the children wouldn't be interested in temples.

Visiting our first Chinese temple Rosie was in awe and took scores of photos with her new camera, while Tom was invited to pour oil into the never extinguished candle and ring the bell three times while the monk conferred chokh di (good luck) on him.
The monk showed them what to do with three incense sticks.

The next morning Tom explained "They've got it wrong in western video games Mum. They don't know what shrines are, they think shrines are valleys or places with crystals and shapes in."
Watching Rosie take photos gave us a window into how she sees the world. When asked to discuss photo of a door - which to us was just a door - "you couldn't see what was behind it, it was amazing and the arch was so beautiful".
Shane, Helen, Rosie and Tom

Location:Phuket, Thailand

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